Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How long will it take for my item to arrive?

Please note that stickers will not be sent out on public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Standard Mail (Japan Post)

approximately, in business days
United Sates 7~10 days
Australia 7~10 days
Canada 7~10 days
Great Britain around 5 days
Europe 7~10 days

What about import fees and taxes?

Depending on which country you are ordering from, you may have to pay import duties on your order.
Please inform yourself about your local tax and duty legislation before ordering. We take no responsibilities for the fees incurred.

For reference (August 2023, exceptions apply)
United Sates: Customs Duties are determined in part by the product’s HS code. Generally, goods valued over US$800 are subject to duties and taxes in the US.
A flat rate of 3% applies to e-commerce purchases that are in excess of the US import tax threshold limits.

Canada: Unless specifically exempted, you must pay the 5% GST on items you import into Canada by mail. In addition, duty rates depensing on the product category will apply.

Australia: Import GST is calculated at 10% of the CIF (Cost of Goods + Insurance cost + Freight/Shipping cost) value plus the Customs Duty.
Imported goods with a value over AUD1000 and some imported goods are subject to the payment of customs duty.

United Kingdom: VAT at the rate of 20% will probably be charged.

Germany: There'll be an 19% import tax (Einfuhrumsatzsteuer) charged on the shipment. The charge will be dropped if it is less than 1EUR. Other taxes could apply.

What material are the stickers made of?

Laminated vinyl-type thingy. So they are not reusable.

Where can I ask more questions?

My TikTok and Instagram DMs are open.